How to Use Pinterest for Content Marketing and Business Promotion

Over the years, social media sites are growing tremendously. These days people from different walks of life are in one or more social media sites. Facebook might be the number one social media site, but there are other powerful social media sites as well. Social media sites are not just for personal networking, but also …

Business Ideas for 2021: Lifestyle Products You Can Sell in 2024 and Make Money

Whether you already have a regular job or a business, it is very likely that you are still looking for better opportunities to make money. That’s because a single income source is never enough. The necessity of a better life has created a compulsion for human beings to look for new possibilities. If you belong …

Digital Nomad Lifestyle and Online Entrepreneurship

In the beginning, human species were nomadic in nature. They traveled from one place to another in search of food and living space. The history of human civilization begins when human species left nomadic life and started living in a proper place by building houses and cities. Even though there are still nomadic tribes in …

How Companies and Businesses Build Brand: How a Brand is Created

According to the Nielson Consumer Survey, just about 59 percent of the consumers prefer to buy new products only from the brand they have bought earlier or are familiar to them. In other research on consumer behavior, people buy from a certain brand because they are trying to identify themselves with the lifestyle the brand …

Lifestyle Marketing: Selling Lifestyle Not the Products

The lifestyle is the way of life of an individual, group or community and it does not only include the style of life but also perception, attitude, behavioural inclination, identity etc.  The lifestyle brand is the brand that incorporates values and aspirations of people or group that they can identity as their own. The lifestyle …