How to Optimize and Promote Your Online Contents and Increase Web Traffic

Writing, which is a private activity, is an art. Publishing, which is a public activity, is a technique. When you write, you express your creative vision in words. When you publish, you sell your vision. Writing is a product of your creativity. Publishing means you make money from your creativity.

The number of readers determines a writer’s success. If the writer cannot garner enough readerships, there is no point in publishing. Readership means money. More a writer gets people to read his/her work, better he/she earns.

How does an online writer get more people to read his/her work? The answer is simple.

By publishing great online contents
By promote his/her contents to boost traffic

If you cannot manage to bring visitors to your web pages, your contents will be lost on the web of World Wide Web.

How to Promote Online Contents

The World Wide Web has made publishing process very easy. There are many free publishing niche contents sites and blogging sites, where you can publish your contents. You can even built a website for few bucks and publish your works.

Publishing web contents is easy, however, getting visitors for your contents is becoming harder day-by-day. Every day millions of contents are published on the web. If you cannot manage to bring visitors to your web pages, your contents will be lost on the web of World Wide Web.

The basic mantra to survive the rat race is learning how to promote your online contents and increase web traffic.

If you are looking for ways to promote your online contents and increase web traffic, these tips might help you.

Develop Contents on Related Topic

Don’t let your online content stand alone. Publish few more contents on the related topic. There are many benefits of developing contents on similar topics. One, you develop a niche; two, one article will boost traffic to your another article.

Home Remedies for Long and Thick Hair is one of my successful online articles. It ranks #3 on Google. I have developed couple of contents on this topic and linked with the main article. How to Naturally Make Your Hair Thicker gets some views because I have backlinked this content with Home Remedies for Long and Thick Hair.

Focus On Successful Articles

Normally, 20 percent of your online contents will bring 80 percent traffic. Therefore, concentrate on successful contents rather than non-performing contents. One of my contents was titled “Ten things women do not like about men.” This article received 30-40 views per day, on average, from search engines. I tweaked the title, now the content What Women Don’t Like About Men ranks #7 on Google and gets more traffic.
The basic mantra to survive the rat race is learning how to promote your online contents and increase web traffic.

The basic mantra to survive the rat race is learning how to promote your online contents and increase web traffic.

Decrease Bounce Rate

When someone clicks your title and immediately goes to another site this is bounce rate. You can see your bounce rate when you link your blog/website/subdomain with Google Alalytics. Bounce occurs when the visitors do not find your article useful and informative. To decrease bounce rate, update your article by adding fresh contents, relevant keywords, and tweaking the title. Add photos, graphics, videos, polls to your content to make your readers stay long on your webpage.
Take a Cue from Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great tool to analyze traffic to your contents based on country, city, browser, operating system, device etc. If you have not linked your website, blogs or subdomain with Google Analytics, you might be missing necessary information regarding the web traffic source.

The most important thing to consider on Google Analytics is the territory of your traffic source. If you know from which country and city most of the visitors come, you can build contents on the topics that people on these locations are searching on the internet.

About 27 percent traffic to my articles come from India and 25 percent from the United States. Based on the demography of search query, I published Fertility Symbols and Hindu Gods of Fertility in order to satisfy the curiosity of my visitors. This article ranks #3 on Google, and gets regular visits from the United States and India.
Backlink Your Contents

There are numbers of ways to backlink your content. For example, you can create an account on answering sites, and answer the questions and share your links. You can also participate in forums and message boards, and share your links. While sharing your links on the answering sites, forums and message boards, share only relevant links. Don’t give the entire information, use your comment/answer as teaser.

You can also backlink your contents with your other articles; however, only link your contents that are relevant. Never link your contents to the popular websites and articles. By linking your contents to the popular websites and articles, you are driving your traffic to other contents.

Let your article grow on organic backlink. Organic backlink means your content is backlinked by other webpages. If you publish quality contents, your contents will surely be backlinked by popular online articles and websites.
Share Your Contents on Social Media

After you have published your content, don’t sit waiting for the search engines to pick your content. Share your contents on social networks and social book marking sites.

When you share your contents on Facebook, Google +, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter use a hashtags. Hashtags are similar to keywords, which will help the visitors to find your contents while looking at the specific topic.
Just don’t share your links, write a customized introduction before you share.
Self-promotion is good but make sure that no more than 20 percent of your share is self-promotion. Share your fellow writers’ contents. They will surely reciprocate you.
Subtlety of online publishing is direct interaction, which is missing in print medium. Online writing thrives on reciprocation. As an online writer, you have to interact with the readers. When you receive feedback, respond to the person by engaging in meaningful dialogue and responding to their shares. Interaction is as important as sharing.
Create a group on Facebook, LinkedIn or Google +. Include as many people as you can in your group and ask them to share and interact.
You can share your links on social bookmarking sites such as Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, Delicious Pinterest etc.
Before you share your works, understand the nature of social networks, and don’t do oversharing. Share only on the platforms where you are active.

As an online writer, you have to interact with the readers.Interaction is as important as sharing.

Write Quality Contents

The basic norm of attracting visitors is by publishing quality contents. The visitors will not only read the content that adds value to their knowledge, but also share across different online platforms.

Before you publish, ask yourself, if you were a reader, would you really give time to read this article? How is this article different from the already published pool of online contents?

Here are some rules to write quality contents

Rule #1: Write For the Readers

Don’t devote your time writing what you want to express, write what the readers are searching over the internet. Don’t expect everyone to read your contents. You have to know about your target audience. You can find what readers are searching on the internet by looking at search suggestions on Google or Bing, or Google Adword Keyword Tool.

Rule #2: Commercial and Evergreen Topic

Commercial topic means the subject that gets more visitors, and advertisers put more money on the ads. Evergreen topic means subject that will be read throughout the year and many years to come. Travel, finance, health, DIY (Do it yourself) ideas are some of the commercial topics.

Rule #3: Avoid Heavily Saturate Topics

Don’t write on the topic simply because it gets more traffic. Write about the things you know best. If there are already numerous quality contents on the topic, it is less likely that search engines will pick up your content.

Rule #4: Keywords and Long Tail Search Terms

Search Engines will catch your WebPages based on the keywords used in your content. You have to use keywords in your title as well as body of the content. Long tail search terms are exact search query that someone types on Google or Bing. Things to Do In Nepal is a long tail search terms and “Nepal” is a keyword.

Rule #5 Title

Nepal Celebrates Nine New Years in 356 Days could be a great title for a magazine article, but it will fail miserably on the internet because no one is going to search this title. A better title could be New Years in Nepal. Try to make long tail search term as the title of your topic. How do you find long tail search term? Take a cue from Google Adwords. Focus on popular keyword. Adwords is not 100 percent accurate, however, it can help you determine the possible title and keywords.

Rule #6: Research on the Topic and Develop the Content

Now that you have identified keywords or long tail search terms, research on the topic, make notes of important points and write content that is between 500-1200 words.

Use at least one photo with your text. Your content looks attractive when it appears with a photo on search engines, or social media, compared to the article that shows website logo. If your images are good, it is likely that your visitors will pin it

Marketing Online Contents

You can increase traffic to your contents by building a loyal subscribers and followers on your website, blog, subdomain or social media. You can market your online contents by giving people what they were looking for and getting them to share your works elsewhere.

You can market your contents in many ways.

Email marketing: Notify people in your circle about your contents through emails. Make sure to add intro to your urls.
E-zine Marketing: Create a free newspaper with and get as many subscribers as you can. will deliver your contents on the inbox of the subscribers.
Blog/Website Marketing: Create blogs and websites to promote your contents. Write a teaser and share the links.